Welcome To My Home On the Web
Thank you for taking the time to visit my site! Here you'll be able to find and explore some of my existing and completed personal projects. The three main categories
of content include 3D Modeling and Animation, 2D Graphic
Design, and Programming. If you would ever like to return to this page, simply click on the '3D' logo that can be found in the top-left corner of most sections.
FREE 3D GAMES: [ KickleC ] [ Bombzuka ] [ Packin' Plax ] [ T.L.E.T.C. ]
IPHONE / IPAD APP: [ Scribblify ] |
The Snowman

Empty Room

KickleC (Kickle Cubicle)

Latest Site Updates
Another full year has elapsed. Unfortunately, there really aren't any new updates for this site. Well, I probably could find a lot of stuff, but not without digging for it which I'm not so inclined to do... Then the whole process of getting everything posted here, this isn't exactly an intuitive site or one I like to look at--at the same time I don't feel motivated enough to redesign it. I do have a nicer portfolio site with other things on it but it's sort of private, and even that is a year outdated.
Since my last update I graduated one college, enrolled in another, and got a job in the IT industry. Oh, and I just put out an iPhone/iPad app. I only wish I had more time to do things I enjoy, maybe some day... |
Has it really been eleven months since my last update? That's crazy! Anyways, college work is finally dwindling down and as such I've found time to add some new content to this severely neglected site. I also realized just how badly this site is in need of a redesign—it hasn't changed since at least the late-1990s and the now obselete HTML syntax really shines through (before moving to m3Dr.com, this site was hosted by a local ISP; years before that it was on one of those free hosting services).
So, what are the updates, you ask? A lot... Specifically:
- A couple dozen new photographs taken this year have been added. The new pictures are quite diverse and span a wide array of photographic techniques and genres.
- More than half-a-dozen Flash projects have been added. Despite having a Flash section on this site forever, I never got around to adding any actual Flash projects until now. Check them out!
- Several additional Photoshop projects were posted, both from this year and years past.
- More free games have been made available for download. Previously, only the games that I developed between 2006 and now were made available for download. However, thanks to better hosting I am now able to offer some more projects for download—including some of which were considered long lost and/or remain in an incomplete yet playable state. Naturally, the quality of these older projects will be less than the four polished games linked to from the home page.
I added one considerably fun and finalized game from 2005, Manik Minis, to the Finished Work section and a number of other somewhat buggy or incomplete games to the Downloadable Beta Projects section. Feel free to check these additions out, just don't expect them to be perfect!
- A new still render of some poker chips and dice (hopefully more to come soon).
- Various additional changes to various pages. This includes updating the assorted projects page, revising the side menu on each page, reviewing and correcting each individual page, and various other technical adjustments.
Amazing! It's been over a year since the last update... First, for anyone still visiting this site you'll have noticed it went down about a month ago and hasn't been around since then. I had some hosting issues but hopefully with a new host it'll be up and running stable again. Other than that, I've been extremely busy over the past year with various projects, school, and so forth. Hopefully my life will slow down a little for me this year, but I doubt it.
The biggest update is that I've just released a brand new, full-featured free game that I'm sure many will enjoy. It is a 3D remake of an old Nintendo action puzzle game known as Kickle Cubicle. The version I created (over the course of three months as part of a 2008 competition, although I just got it all polished up and released as v1.1 today) includes 85 levels spread across five worlds. Check out the official KickleC page for screenshots, downloads, and more! I'd welcome any comments or feedback about this or any of my other releases.
I'll try and sift through some of the models and such that I've created over the past year to see what else can be added to my gallery here, but that might not be for awhile since I have to get a few other obligations out of the way first. Again the big point of this post was first to announce that the site is back, and also to announce the official release of KickleC. |
* For older site news, check out the Site News section *